Dear Editor, We will be asked soon to change the Irish Constitution in favour of same-sex marriage.
Unfortunately the possible outcome of the deliberately distorted propaganda by the Government around the word ‘equality’ will produce a ‘yes’ vote. How sad to see a Government desperate to be re-elected exploiting the emotions of society in this way.
Homosexuals are human beings who need better recognition and acceptance than they receive. Many lobby groups do not do them justice. Neither is the Government helping with confused legislation which is not about “marriage equality” but is intended to change the historical meaning of marriage.
What is equality in this context? It is full legal provision for small groupings of men or women – father/son, mother/daughter, elderly brothers or sisters who all need the state benefits of a married couple. That is equality without sexual connotation.
Catholics who vote for change or who decide not to vote may sin either by the sin of consent or the sin of omission.
Yours etc.,
Joe Duffy,
Co. Monaghan