Francis praises his predecessor Benedict XVI as great Pope

“Benedict XVI was a great Pope,” he said

Retired Pope Benedict XVI is a perfect example of how intellectual knowledge and scientific curiosity do not lead a person further from God, but can strengthen their love for God and for his human creatures, Pope Francis has said.

“Benedict XVI was a great Pope,” he said. “Great for the power and penetration of his intellect, great for his considerable contribution to theology, great for his love for the Church and for human beings, great for his virtues and his religiosity.”

Pope Francis praised his predecessor at a meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences this week. The academicians invited Pope Francis to unveil a bronze bust of Pope Emeritus Benedict at the academy’s headquarters in the Vatican gardens.

The Pope said he was pleased that the statue’s face and particularly its eyes captured the spirit, intelligence and love of Pope Benedict.

“This spirit, far from crumbling with the passing of time, will appear greater and more powerful from generation to generation,” Pope Francis predicted.