First Irish shrine to Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Limerick parish opens shrine to Pope’s favourite devotion

Moyross parish in Co. Limerick has opened what is believed to be Ireland’s first shrine to Our Lady Undoer of Knots, a favourite devotion of Pope Francis.

The Pope’s representative in Ireland, Archbishop Charles Brown, officially dedicated the shrine in Corpus Christi church at a Mass concelebrated by Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick and Bishop Emeritus Donal Murray.

“We all have some ‘knots’ in our lives and many sinful structures in society tie people up in knots,” said parish priest Fr Tony O’Riordan. “This devotion reminds us that disciples of Jesus of Nazareth are called to undo the knots in the lives of others insofar as they can do so.”

The shrine’s six foot image of Our Lady Undoer of Knots was painted onto a centuries-old piece of Irish chestnut by Limerick artist Des Langford.

The image is adorned by spectacular ironwork fashioned especially by local blacksmith Eric O’Neill.