Family News and Events

Family News and Events Cockle row cottages, Bangor
Have a cackle at the Cockle!

For a great day out this summer that will be suitable for the whole family, the weekend events at the Cockle Row Cottages this June and July in Bangor are a must-go! Every Saturday and Sunday from 2-4pm there will be entertainment for adults and children alike, from face painting to animal roadshows, as well as children’s crafts and science shows.

The restored fishermen’s cottages dating back to the 1600s are open daily from 11am – 5pm and are set within the picturesque village of Groomsport, beside the harbour. The cottages are also home a living history exhibition, and their surroundings provide the perfect setting to spend quality time together.

The beautiful stretch of sandy beach is a stone’s throw away, as is a children’s playground and the village’s eateries.


Wash this space!

For those of you planning on travelling to remote areas or interrailing across the world this year, one common frustration is where to keep your dirty clothes and how to wash them on the go. Well, the Srubba wash bag provides a solution to all of your clothing worries as it allows you to clean your clothes anywhere.

The bag has a flexible internal washboard that provides a machine quality wash in just minutes, making it perfect for travelling and camping.

All you have to do is throw your clothes along with some water and washing liquid into the bag; roll clip and deflate it to remove access air; press down and rub the clothes against the washboard for 30 seconds for a quick traveller wash or 3 minutes for a machine quality wash; and then rinse the clothes with some fresh water. Enjoy your travels!


Spiritual experiences could improve mental health

Spiritual experiences could help buffer the effects of stress on mental health, a new research suggests.

The study carried out by Prof. Lisa Miller and a team of researchers from the Spirituality Mind Body Institute in New York City revealed that the brain’s inferior parietal lobe is less active when people describe a spiritual event in comparison to when they think of stressful or emotionally neutral experiences. This region may contribute importantly to perceptual processing and self-other representations during spiritual experiences.

Commenting on the study, the team said: “Continuing to build our empirical understanding of how spiritual experiences are mediated by the brain and the future extension of similar studies to clinical populations could help facilitate the judicious integration of spirituality into treatment and prevention in areas of mental health conditions.”