Dominican Sisters open peace garden

To mark the 10th birthday of An Tairseach, the Organic Farm and Ecology Centre on the grounds of the Dominican Convent in Wicklow, the Dominican Sisters, Cabra opened a rose garden dedicated to world peace.

A large crowd of friends and well-wishers attended the celebration and heard stories of the early days when the sisters arrived in Wicklow in a horse drawn carriage and within a few days opened a primary school after the founding of the convent in 1870. Some of the students were taller than the sisters and one left within a few weeks to get married.

“Today the rose garden is fragrant and colourful – a far cry from the devastation being experienced by our sisters and brothers in war torn areas of the world whom we are remembering today with prayerfulness because there is little else we can do,” said Sr Marian O’Sullivan OP.


“That is what happens, isn’t it? When we are helpless to help ourselves, we turn to the Creator to keep a protective hand over his/her beloved creation.”