Christian initiative aims to reclaim Easter

Fairtrade Easter egg raises awareness of the story of the resurrection

A Christian initiative based in Bray, Co. Wicklow is aiming to promote the real story of Easter with a Fairtrade Easter egg, which raises awareness of the story of the resurrection while also raising money for charity.

Julie Carvill, who is chairperson of Bray Churches Together Steering Group, an initiative made up of 10 member churches/worshipping communities who work together on ecumenical projects, has become the Irish distributor of the Real Easter Egg.

The egg was created in Britain by David Marshall in 2010 when he was given a gift of an Easter egg which said “Easter is the festival of chocolate and loveliness”.

The Real Easter Egg is made from Fairtrade chocolate and contains child-friendly, simple messages on the crucifixion and resurrection as well as a 24 page booklet ‘The real meaning of Easter’ and a 25g pack of Swiss Chocolate Chunky Buttons, and 12.5% of the price is donated to the Traidcraft Exchange charity.

“We are trying to put Easter back into Easter,” Ms Carvill told The Irish Catholic. “They couldn’t keep up with the demand in Britain and it has raised a lot of money for the Fairtrade charity to give communities clean water, school books, solar panels etc.”


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