There will be no Christmas gifts under the tree this year for Rosamond Bennett, CEO of Christian Aid Ireland
Birthday presents, make-up, clothes, DVDs and all luxury goods are being forsaken for a year by the head of a Christian charity, in a challenge to live simply and raise money for those who have less.
There will be no Christmas gifts under the tree this year for Rosamond Bennett, who became chief executive of Christian Aid Ireland last year, as she sets out on a challenge to give up shopping for any non-essential items for 12 months, and sacrificing gifts of any kind.
Ms Bennett said the inspiration for the task to be frugal came from visiting Christian Aid projects overseas. “I have had the privilege of meeting some amazing women over the last year. Women from India, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ghana, Rwanda and Burundi. They have totally inspired me with their positive attitude, their resilience and their determination.
“I felt so ashamed when I travelled and saw how little these women had. I thought of my bulging wardrobes at home, the drawers stuffed with tops and t-shirts, the bathroom spilling over with toiletries and make up, the shoes under the bed, the books piled up.
“I wanted to show my support personally for all these strong women – women who by necessity have to live on very little, who always put their families first and yet who still try to take a pride in their appearance,” she said.
Ms Bennett started her challenge in September and as her work is divided between Belfast and Dublin, she hopes to raise £1,000 in the north and €1,000 in the south, between her own donations and those from supporters.
For more information go to and Rosamond-Bennett