Catholic nurses to hold international conference

The International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico Social Assistants [CICIAMS] XIX World Congress will take place at All Hallows College, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 from September 23-26. It is being hosted by the Catholic Nurses Guild of Ireland.

Established since 1933, CICIAMS consists of associations of nurses and midwives and associate members whose membership is also open to other professional heath care workers worldwide.

Quadrennial World Congresses are held with the aims of providing a platform for CICIAMS members to discuss topics and issues of mutual interest and to share information. These congresses are open to all interested people and are not confined to members.

The theme of the 2014 congress is Supporting Family Life: the role and responsibility of nurses and midwives. This topic will be explored and discussed from global, continental and national perspectives by speakers representing the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, the WHO, and speakers from all over the world.

Among the topics to be discussed are support structures for families in crisis, HIV/AIDS, abortion and domestic violence.

Further information is available from