Britain’s ‘gendercide culture’ exposed

Census figures make for worrying reading

Britain is facing the reality of gendercide within its national borders following the release of skewed birth figures specific to some minority communities.

An examination by The Independent newspaper of statistics compiled by the Office for National Statistics, found that, set against national figures, there is “strong evidence” that the gender ratio is markedly different for parents born in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh while there is “some evidence” of difference for parents born in Nepal, India and Bangladesh.

A secondary ñ and entirely predictable ñ finding serves to elucidate matters more clearly; The Independent found within the gender ratios a distinct bias in favour of male children.

Male heir

Having subjected its figures to analysis by statisticians from Imperial College, the conclusions reached were that while repeated pregnancies in pursuit of a male heir could explain ratios for communities from “India, China, Nepal and the rest of East Asia”, the best explanation for those of Pakistan and Afghanistan was gender selective abortion, a ‘culture’ widely practised in some of these nations, and now apparently imported to multicultural Britain.

“A conservative estimate for the number of ‘missing girls’ based on this analysis is between 1,400 and 4,722,” the newspaper stated.


Despite its liberal abortion regime, the figures are a challenge to Britain, where gender selection is illegal, though, it could be argued, a ‘natural’ progression in terms of any country’s abortion provision. Legislators must face inevitable battles over calls for a tightening of abortion practices (or, more likely, stricter controls on information made available to prospective parents from foetal scans), while simultaneously walking a minefield in any tackling of issues within minority communities.

The easy option, of course, is for those same legislators to quietly ignore The Independent’s findings and, if pressed, protest that the authorities cannot stop women travelling to their nations of origin where gender selective abortions can be procured (as The Irish Catholic went to press, this week there was still no official reaction).

However, such a ‘blind eye’ approach leads only to the conclusion that within a generation, Britain will suffer the same criminal and social consequences which have long been predicted for those less developed nations wherein the pursuit of sons trumps all else.