Belfast march hears clear message: not in our name

Belfast march hears clear message: not in our name

An estimated 20,000 people took to the streets of Belfast on Saturday to oppose moves from Westminster to impose abortion on the North.

Holding signs with the simple message ‘not in our name’, protesters heard calls to lobby their politicians in a bid to restore the assembly and executive as a way to stop the Westminster legislation which would force abortion up to 28 weeks on the region.

Bernadette Smyth of Precious Life said she was heartened by the size of the gathering. More than 20,000 people, from every tradition, attended the march because people are outraged that Westminster has hijacked our democratic process and has sought to impose abortion on Northern Ireland right up to seven months and in certain circumstances, right up to birth.

She said that the march proves that “the pro-life majority of Northern Ireland are fighting back against this undemocratic law.

“The pro-life majority of Northern Ireland came out in their thousands today to say loud and clear ‘Abortion? Not In Our Name!’,” Mrs Smyth said.