Ballina choir perform for Pope Francis

The choir of St Muredach’s Cathedral in Ballina, Co. Mayo have recently returned from a trip to Rome where they sang in St Peter’s Basilica on July 20 for 10.30am Mass.

Pope Francis stood at the window of the Papal Apartments in Rome and greeted the cathedral choir following their performance with the words: “I greet the choir of the Diocese of Killala (Ireland).”

Bishop John Fleming congratulated the choir on their return home saying as far as he knew they were only the second Irish choir ever to receive such an invitation from the Vatican. “This invitation is a tribute to them and to very high standard of their singing; a standard which is recognised and admired by many choirs throughout this country. Indeed, over the past number of years, many people have said to me that the singing in this cathedral for the Easter ceremonies, which were televised some years ago, has never been surpassed,” he said.