Meditation and dying to self

Mindful Living So here we are again in Holy Week – a week when we are invited to recall the sacred rhythm of the spiritual life: the inevitable cycle of death, burial, and resurrection. For all of this week we celebrate the paschal mystery, the passion of Jesus and his resurrection as Christ because, as…

A closing prayer for meditation

Mindful Living We have been exploring the depth of meaning in the John Main prayer which we say before meditation. The prayer is very simple and reads ‘Heavenly Father, open our hearts to the silent presence of the spirit of your son. Lead us into that mysterious silence where your love is revealed to all…

A love revealed to all who call

Mindful Living Prior to Advent we had been exploring the depth of meaning in the John Main prayer which we say before meditation. The second sentence of the prayer asks God to: ‘Lead us into that mysterious silence where your love is revealed to all who call.’ In this article I want to reflect on…

Making room at the inn of the heart

Mindful Living On each Sunday of Advent we light a new candle in the Advent Wreath. The candles represent hope, peace, love and joy reflecting the fruits of the Spirit as described by St Paul in Galatians 5:22. Because meditation helps to awaken us to the spirit within, these fruits, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness…

Christ may dwell in your hearts

Mindful Living In the Church calendar the season of Advent starts on the fourth Sunday before Christmas; this year advent begins on Sunday, November 29. The word ‘advent’ derives from Latin, via the Old French word ‘to come’ and signals the coming of Jesus into the world, which we recall and celebrate each Christmas. But…

Where your love is revealed

Mindful Living In this article I want to continue to explore the depth of meaning in the John Main prayer which we say before meditation. “Heavenly Father, open our hearts to the silent presence of the Spirit of your Son. Lead us into that mysterious silence where your love is revealed to all who call.”…

Lead us into that mysterious silence

Mindful Living We have been exploring the depth of meaning in the John Main prayer which Christian meditators say before meditation. The second sentence of the prayer reads: “Lead us into that mysterious silence where Your love is revealed to all who call.” In this article I want to reflect on the phrase: ‘Lead us…

The Silent Presence

Mindful Living We have been exploring the John Main prayer which many people recite before their daily meditation. The prayer begins: Heavenly Father, open our hearts to the silent presence of the Spirit of your Son. In this article, I’d like to reflect on the phrase ‘to the silent presence of the Spirit of your…