Category: Synodal Times

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Cardinal Koch rejects extreme traditionalist, progressive positions on Vatican II

Nicolás de Cárdenas   In his acceptance speech for the honorary doctorate awarded him by the Catholic University of Valencia, Cardinal Kurt Koch rejected the extreme positions of progressives and traditionalists regarding the Second Vatican Council. The prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity reflected in his address on the tension between the two…

First Italian diocese presents abuse study

Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone demonstrates ‘courage to look, courage to act’ Sabine Kleyboldt (KNA)   It was the first time that he had quoted a Pope when presenting a study on abuse, said lawyer Ulrich Wastl on Monday: Francis had said on sexualised violence that “every single case is one too many” for the Church. Words…

Daring to hope in Syria

Caritas Italiana worker in Aleppo and member of the Focolare movement Davide Chiarot spoke to The Synodal Times   Syria is experiencing a momentous moment. It is normal for the whole world to wonder about its future, whether it will be truly democratic and pluralist as the new leaders claim, or whether, as in the…

A commentary by Jon Rosebank Practised with humility,” write the bishops in their final document from the 2024 Assembly (47), “the synodal style enables the Church to be a prophetic voice in today’s world.” We live, they write, “in an age marked by ever-increasing inequalities” and by “disenchantment with the functioning of democracy.” Students of…